Hard being Asian in U.S

It's like middle child syndrome, you never seems to get any recognition. Asians in America has been in society for a long time. but we never seems to get any recognition. It's like ugly duckling kind of deal. Asian are minorities in this country but we are treated as minorities and when we discuss being minority with black people or Hispanics, they often dismiss that because Asians have lighter skin.

Asians are still portrayed and made fun of. Asians have not had starting role and always a side kicks in Hollywood movies. Asians are still thought to not speak English.

As an KOREAN - AMERICAN, this is funny but irritating.
Obviously, you will have white people think I do not speak English. I normally like to keep quite around white people to see how they act and most of time, they don't think I do.
Then you have other minorities say, you do not know the struggle because you are not dark skinned.

I have seen the selection of my darker skin friends being targeted for racial profiling. I have cases where I would get by without search because I am Asian, but Asians have our own problem. Regardless of what we do, we are thought to be smart, small dick, chink eyed, accent having, math machine who is comedy to these people.

But we normally keep it quite.

Well, I don't. I have people come to my work and ask if I am related to other Asian people that work at the store. I'm the one who would say "Not all Asians are related". 
I often reflect what they throw at me and they get mad for it. I had a case they make fun of accents, driving skills and so much, but do you see Asians do any crazy shit?
Well maybe at V Tech but other than that we haven't done anything.

It's hard being Asian in America. Take off your racist glasses unless you want the same treatment.

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