Dear America: Racism is real

Dear America
or this time
Dear White people

Maybe you fear to be minority in this nation that you "found", maybe it's fear of losing your conservatism to new ideas but you have to accept the co existence in this nation.

Being an outsider to this nation, the slogan I knew of America was "Melting Pot" which everyone worked together. In that aspect, that's what makes this nation so great.

However, with Trump being the new president, we start to see more racist fuckers coming up to the surface.
We see people who are known as ALT Right and Neo Nazis....If you ask me what is the difference, Im sorry, I do not know. One of Alt Right leaders stated that he understand the difference in race and that he is proud to be white. Minority are blaming whites and he wants to converse whiteness of this nation. What is crazy to me is how their grand parents fight the Nazis in WWII. Many soldiers didn't come back home and died for that same cause to prevent that from happening. What a shock it would be if these grandparents know that their grandkids are hanging nazi flag in their home. As an American, I am more pissed.
But then the same people who say, my family died for that flag, so how dare these people who kneel to protest the police brutality have nerve to disrespect the flag. You have no issue of people claiming neo nazis but you have problem with this???? What logic is that?

And yes, All Lives Matter movement is a protest group to fight Black Live Matter movement, who protest police brutality.
Here is an article from USATODAY of people who were shot by police.

So, All Lives Matter movement, you are just as ignorant as people who lynched and hung people.
People act like the segregation happened so long ago. Oh let me rephrase, WHITE people act like segregation happened so long ago. People normally think like segregation and slavery happened during time of Moses. Last time the bathroom were segregated was in 1970's. that's not that long. Your parents or grandparents know those days. They may want to pretend it didn't happen, but oh it did.

But that is not all, there are systematical issues in this nation.

Have you often think why Ghettos exist? The saying "You don't belong in this town" or "What are you doing this neighborhood", well I use to think that it was just White person harassing a minority, but there is thing call Redlining.
First, Ghetto was created by Nazis to keep Jews in one location.
US adopted similar method call Redlining. After segregating, the impact still exist.

There are so many issue to address but clearly, if these few things are not examples of racism. You are ignorant as a donkey who thinks Trump is a great president. EVEN REPUBLICANS DON'T THINK HE IS!!!

   Image result for lynched


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