Dear America: Consumerism is hurting nature

Dear America

We all live in this earth. We have this one planet and it's not like we can switch and move to another planet like we are moving to new neighborhood.

This is not just America, this happens everywhere on this earth that things are being manufactured and thrown away due to our high demands of things to accommodate the rising population.

People seems to be more aware now what environmental impact is consumerism is happening on the planet. Maybe certain president does not think it's real, but we can clearly see from each year being record breaking weather, BPA in the water, micro particles of plastic in our food and water, ice caps melting and O-Zone getting filled with green house gas due to factories, cars, and cattle.

Many companies are taking approach to packaging products more environmental friendly wrappings, we start to drive more hybrid cards and electric cars and recycling is being taught. We are definitely taking the steps, but over almost century of using plastic, we have damaged a lot to nature.

Our recycling is suggested but not madatory, where other first world countries have took drastic steps to make recycling a civic duty.
Below are some articles that other countries are taking action.
South Korea:

It seems that the simple things that a kindergartner understands in other country is something the U.S president doesn't want to support. Many supporter of current president thinks that this climate change is hoax and we are getting ripped off by other countries 😑. Luckily, other counties that understands the importance stepped up ( If you do not see the issue, go stand in Griffith Park in L.A during sunset. There has been times, the night sky would be orange-ish grey which is really disturbing.

We already messed up this planet.

Dear America, let's take steps to fix the environmental issue before it's too late; and it's getting close.

  Image result for planet pollution

P.S; Current head of EPA is a joke.
It's like letting Joker run Gotham.


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