Top 5 Favorite Movies of PJ

Hello guys
Today, my blog is about my top 5 favorite movies. These movies are movies I most frequently watch and enjoy every time I watch it. Of course, it's not easy to narrow down the list to 5 among all the movies I seen all these years and I'm sure some of you or most of you wouldn't agree with my choices, but I hope my top 5 choices would still be in your top 100 movie choices (unless you are into one specific genre). So lets start the list.

1) Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995): Everyone loves Die Hard movie series but some reason I really love the Die Hard 3. The movie takes is based in New York about terrorist treating the city of New York. This movie start with a bang to get you going from the beginning. Bruce Willis is a main character and Samuel L. Jackson is co-star, so you know it's good. (Action)

2) The Siege (1998): Movie starting many starts but mostly Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, Annette Bening and Tony Shalhoud. Denzel and Tony is starting as FBI agent dealing with terrorism treat in New York City. It's a eye opening movie as it's really focus on U.S's perception to Muslims linking to terrorists. But it is not as blunt as I am describing, it is has happy ending for all and maybe even teach us a lesson about perception and stereotyping. (Drama/ Action)

3) Dark Knight (2008): I mean, it's pretty obvious, right? Who can hate on this film? I always been a big Batman fan over any action heroes and this film really did it. Batman Begin was a great start for the new saga of Batman films when the Batman films really lost touch when Batman and Robin movie came out(what a tragedy). But Batman begin showed alot of promise and Dark Knight was fantastic. So much action and so much plot that you can watch the movie from any point and still enjoy it. (Action)

4) Space Jam (1996): Putting one of the greatest basketball player with best cartoon characters was a fantastic idea. Especially when they try to tie Michael Jordan's basketball career within the story line, it was amazing. Family fun movie that everyone can enjoy and I still enjoy this movie time to time and I feel that I will always be a fan of this movie.

and finally. Even though this movie just got into my top 5, this movie surely made this list.

5) The Lego Movie (2006): Let's be honest, all the Lego movies that came out before this was tacky, unrealistic, and tried way too hard to cater to it's characters and demographics when they should've just kept the realistic value to it. The Lego movie is awesome starting many stars. I don't want to give away too much so if you haven't watched it, go watch it.


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