Self Evolution

Something got to be different from yesterday, right? We try to achieve new goals or set goals everyday and I believe that is the reason why we wake up every morning to take on the day. But something have to be different. If you are a student, you should learn something today that you didn’t know yesterday, if you are a working person, your career should be one step closer to get a promotion, if you have debts, you should be one dollar lower on your debts; whatever you do, it should be one step closer to your main objective, it cannot be same as yesterday. It is not a physical evolution where fish first walked on land, but it’s more of mental evolution where you have gained something valuable to evolve you from yesterday you to today you. It’s only human nature that we strive to be better every day. If we stayed the way we are everyday, we would still be homo Neanderthal with no development. And, most likely, we would’ve been wiped out like dinosaurs.

Some may ask “Paul, What do you do that you consider to be self evolving?” and my answer is that I am in University. I said, University, I did not say College, Institute nor anything in that category, but in UNIVERSITY. I attended Community Colleges, I attended Institute, I did get a high school diploma, I did get an A.A and now, I am working to get my B .A in UNIVERSITY. And, NO, I did not get help from my parents to get to where I am today. Of course, I thank them for raising me and bring me to the point where I could stand on my own, but I also take credit for what I have achieved because the cards have been dealt the way it was dealt and it told me to be independent and I took that initiative  and ran with it. Of course, I dealt with failures and made many mistakes but, they say mistakes is mother of success, I am only getting closer to my goals and my brighter future. I would be completely lying if I said I never felt like I won’t achieve happiness or finish my goal, because I have numerous times; but it’s darkest before the dawn, and light will show. Just got to suck it up and take that pain one day at a time to become stronger and immune to the pain and embrace the pain as your blessing to make you stronger.

Self Evolution; what are you doing to better yourself? Do you have a goal that you are looking at to achieve the greatness? Or are you in a routine to just maintain what you have? Be better than you are yesterday. Happiness is a road you can only achieve by working at it. 


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