War that has no meaning

Without a reason, there is no action. Without the cause, there is no plan. So, why does America doing things without a reason? I'm, of course, talking about the war in middle east. Today, USA TODAY headline reads "U.S. Military suicides surged to record 349 last year" and follows " far exceeding the 259 American combat  deaths in Afghanistan in 2012". You can call me whatever you like after I write this next sentence: I was/ am against the war in Middle East. I might sound like a purest but this was not our war. If anything, we are coming off as bullies who are forcing our way of life to people whom were perfectly fine governing themselves. Lead by a stupid president we elected twice, we sent our sons, fathers, brothers, daughters, mothers to war that is meaningless. What happened to the country who only interfered when the battle was on our soil? I'm very glad that President Obama have been pulling military out of places that we weren't even suppose to be at first place. War in Middle East is a meaningless war. Meaning, if soldiers aren't even sure what they are fighting for, then, we are just scaring young kids who been scammed by great sales people known as Military Recruiters. When we fight in WWI & WWII, we had define reason why we were needed to fight. Civil war, we had define reasons why we needed to fight. But, when we do not have defined and specific reason why we need to be in the war and risk our people's life, that when these soldiers are going crazy and coming back with psychological problems.If you have grandparents who been through World War, they aren't suffering psychological problem, they new they had to do it to protect the freedom of mankind. Compare to that, when you look at Vietnam War vets and people who came back from Iraq; it seems like they little "off", don't they?. Well, I take it to be result of participating without knowing the reason to fight. These people risked their lives (Which, I salute all the soldiers) to fight for something they are not even why. That is why the psychological disorder has been growing and growing. Bring our boys back, let's cut back on our military spending. Let's be a defensive nation, not a offensive country. BRING OUR BOYS HOME.


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