iPhone 4(G)S

APPLE LOVERS, YOUR LONG AWAITED PRODUCT IS FINALLY HERE. IT'S iPhone 5.........oh wait, what? it's not? what the hell is it then? what? iPhone 4S? WTF is iPhone 4S? Ok, well let me start it over. APPLE LOVERS, YOUR LONG AWAITED PRODUCT IS FINALLY HERE. IT'S iPhone 4S(whatever that is). Well on October 4 of 2011, Apple announced their new product of iPhone. Many people expected to see or hear about iPhone 5, but instead they announced iPhone 4S or more properly iPhone 4G S. I know, it's like "What? What the hell is this? Where is iPhone 5"? but Apple had to do a little catch up before they can move forward with the iPhone 5. So in mean time, call this the "Transition" iPhone. Now, we clearly see that they added "S" at the end of product name, but what else is new about this product? Well, let's get to it. Shall we?

First, S DOES NOT stand for Slim cause there is nothing slim about this phone. Actually the S stands for Siri, which is a new updated feature on iOS platform that allows you to interact with your mobile using voice recognition capability. It's not plain voice search but it actually interacts with the program, kind of making it like your personal assistant. It will do lot of same thing Google's voice search does, it will schedule things for you and message, all using your voice. It's probably the highlighted feature with the new iPhone 4S(I mean, they added to the name). But what else did they add to it? Well, iPhone 4S comes with A5 Dual Core processor to make performance faster and smoother(It's the same processor that is in iPad 2), iCloud feature that let your store and share photos, music, videos, and etc(iPad2)..,Camera is upgraded to 8MP with capability of capturing 1080p videos(That's HD), and notification bar on the top of the screen(Which lot of Android phones come with). Other than that, it's pretty much the same phone as iPhone 4. Now the Specs. are done, shall I put my input?

Well, when I said it's a "Transition" phone, that is really it. It really didn't change much in design or capability except they introduced another category of iPhone series so they can give customers "more" choice. More meaning more marketable way to sell the same item with 3 more names (iPhone 4S 8G, 16G, or 32 GB). Other than that, it's a same phone. It's like Apple needed to catch up with all the Androids that are coming out with 4G, better camera, dual-core processor, and voice interaction capability phones, and it put iPhone to chase Android device if they introduced this as iPhone 5. So, in a sense, it's a great marketing idea, but to many, this is like going to see a hot stripper but ended up seeing her ugly sister like "dude, this is not what I wanted to see". If you are stupid enough to ditch your iPhone 4 and get 4S and go through all new paper works with all the BS that comes along with purchasing a new phone than please god forgive these morons as they do not know what they are doing. But I would seriously suck it up and wait till actual iPhone 5 drops because it will set a new level in mobile industry. Why do I sound so confident about iPhone 5, you say? Because I understand marketing. 

So in conclusion, buy the phone if you are in it to bragging and maintaining your "cool" statues. If you are still happy with your iPhone 4 and know that within1 or 1and1/2 year your contract be over, wait for iPhone 5 cause that will be ground breaking and I have a feeling that actual iPhone 5 will be Steve Jobs last device to give it to the world.  So, iPhone 4S, I really do not recommend. 


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