Friendship is golden

Friends; you love them, you hate them, you can or sometimes you just can't stand them; but we all know we want them around us when we need them. But have you ever to think or consider that were you there when they needed you? Are you a friend, your friends count on or just drink with? I would think that my friends can count on me during the crunch time, hard time when they really need someone next to them. Of course, I have friends who I only speak to and share drinks with, but my few selected from thousands, I would take a bullet for.

I grew up moving around a lot and having a steady long term friends was hard. Some might have never left their old neighborhood so they are stuck with their friends for rest of their lives, but some people like myself to have a steady friend is hard and I take blessing of having friends. Anyone who I really consider a friend, I would do my best to help them the best I can and I will not back stabbed them for no reason. But relationship is 2 person game and you are only to meet them in half way. If, your so call "Friend" doesn't meet you half way, you are the dummy who is trying to please that person. Sounds Fucking Desperate. Friendship is golden; it is god blessing honestly. It could be the most lamest activity in the world but if you do it with your friend, it's a memory.

Friendship is golden; cherish it, respect it, save it, keep it, enjoy it, love it, because soon or later you will have family and career where you wouldn't have time to see your friend who is living just down the street. And when that they come, you will look back and hoped you done things better.


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