10 tips to exercise

Being in shape is like a "thing" now days; It shows determination, passion, and........you look good like some Greek statues. But in our modern time, it's easier said than done. I mean who has time to work out after a long day of work? How do you want me to deny this great fast food with so much grease and fat in it? How do you want me to work out when is raining outside? Well, doesn't that sound like some excuses. Trust me people, it's more mental than physical, when you exercise. And the way you look is only for you to blame or praise. It's really depends on how much time and sweat you put in it and if you think sitting in front of your TV, while eating large pizza with some hot wings on the side and Coca Cola, and pass out after you eat cause you are so full...well can you really blame yourself for not looking like people who exercise 5 times a week? I say this because I been there, eating a Big Mac with large french fries and drink and watch TV and pass out right after, I been there. Fatness hanging on your face and double chin that is pushing to unite face and neck together, I been there and done that. But if you have a motivation, you can do it. And here are the tips to help you exercise.

1. Exercise the way you want to: Nobody is asking you to keep up with pro athletes. We are not asking you to push yourself to get injured so you go to hospital. NO!! DO EXERCISES THAT FIT'S YOU. If you are a big man who can't run a mile, it's okay, run a lap. If you are a lazy person who hates to run, it's okay you can walk. But the main point is to change your everyday pattern and point of perspective. I'll make that short; just want you to get off your lazy ass off the couch and do something. Obviously the daily pattern you are on is just destructing you and making you something that you don't want to be. So try it.

2. Stick with it: Now, this is probably the main key of the exercise. YOU HAVE TO STICK WITH IT. I know, you are sore after a work out from yesterday, I know you wish to stay home and reschedule......well that is the attitude you really need to fix because that is the quitters way. Trust me, I am thinking that as I write this blog "Maybe I can not go today and go on Friday". Yeah? Well you (I) will probably do the same tomorrow and BAM, that's when you stop exercising and go back to your lame self. I work out from Sunday to Thursday because those are my work days. I feel tired during work and all I want to do is go home, eat, and pass out. But funny thing is this, As soon as I work out, I have more energy and more strength. Plus, I feel fresh because I sweated all the toxins out and take a shower(or bath for ladies) to wash those off.  And sleep after can't be more peaceful.

3.  Push yourself: First day of my work out which was Sept. 1st of 2011, I fucking hated it. Oh that first week, I hated it. I ran a mile................no I walked a mile and found out how much of bad shape I am in. second week I decided to run the first lap (0.25 Mile) and walked the rest. Third week, I ran 1 1/2 to 2 laps. Fourth week,  I ran 3 laps, walked 1/2 lap and ran fastest I could for the last 1/2. When  you push yourself, your result will be that much more.

4. Screw soda, Water taste goood: Do you understand how much sugar are in food that we normally consume, daily? How much fat we are eating? I was never the guy to be a crazy about my body AND I AM NOT DOING THIS TO MAKE ME LOOK GOOD, but I use to drink hella sodas. I didn't want water, it doesn't have flavor. Well guess what, sugar will rotten your teeth, make you fat, and unhealthy. So, I decided to drink mostly water and if i do have a soda, I'm drinking diet. Like I said, I'm not doing this to look good, I'm doing this to keep myself healthy because I felt that one point of my life, I felt miserably even though I was eating the things I love.

5. Eat right: This one kind of goes with the tip #4, but you got to eat right. Well, most of doesn't know what exactly that means, but we can control what we eat by simply eating less and actually reading the nutrition fact. Know what you are consuming, stay away from fast food and greasy food, drink more water, and eat smaller portions. Most of times we eat a lot because it taster SOOOOO good, but eat till you are filled up not till the point you feel like you are going to explode.  And if you have a choice of meat, eat pork rather than beef, chicken rather than pork. And DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF.

6. Target your exercise: I exercise my leg and my stamina because I want to play soccer. So for that reason, I run a lot and do most exercise that works my leg. Target your core problem and focus on that and you can slowly branch out to target other needed areas.

7. Run, then stretch: This is for people who wants to exercise not play a game of some sort. Don't stretch before you run. Why? because you might hurt yourself during stretch. You might stretch so much that when you run, you might pull something. So small tip but could go long way.

8. Set up a specific Time and Date: This tip is similar to tip #2 but when you have a set time(Mine is 4PM to 6PM) and day(Sunday - Thursday), you are more likely to follow it. I have it scheduled on my phone, so it alerts me.

9. Find your motivation: What is your motivation? Well, lot of people is to lose weight. Than while you are working out and when you hit that wall, you will think, why am I try to lose weight? Now that is the question you need to ask. If it is to become more attractive to opposite sex, better change your reason to be more healthy. Why? because soon or later, you will say "Fuck it, If they don't like me for who I am, it's not meant to be". So that is more of mental motivation. For your physical motivation to push yourself; you can tell most of people who works out listens to music when they work out. I bet you a million dollars that person is not listening to smooth jazz or classical music; they are listening to something with fast pace that get them going like some club music. I tent to listen to lot of music from Nike Ad, because I listen to the music and I remember that video and how it showed to push myself (Like Hocus Pocus by Focus or Don't Speak by Eagles of Death Metal). Other motivation is like a sentimental or competitive motivation. When you are running, you will see someone who is running next to you, race them. Or when you see a old lady who is running non stop, well that's inspiration that will motivate you that you gotta do better than the old lady. So find your motivation.

10. Don't Cheat yourself: If you do half ass, well.................................why are you even doing it? Don't cheat yourself because only person who's gonna lose is you.

Now, I am the most healthiest person in the world or most fitted person in the world. But when I stuck with all these things, I went from 210lb in September 1st of 2011 and now 185lb in October 17 of 2011. I am not saying you will get the same results, but you will surely see the change by your 3rd week. Stick with it and don't cheat yourself. You can do it :)


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