iPad 2
March 11 is here, people. Long waited iPad 2 is finally launching. If you read my earlier blog, you would know exactly what to look forward to, but if you haven't, let me exaplain again. iPad 2 is running dual core processor known as iOS 4.3 with newly developed A5 chip. Each processor will deliver 1GHz to bring you faster and smoother user experience. It also come with both front and back camera and its 1/3 thinner than original iPad that results to be lighter. And it will come both black and white. I think lot of people will go for the white because its different than what we already seen. Ok, now to put in my input. I think iPad 2 is not much differ from the iPad 1. Its just faster than the original one and they just added cameras, other than that, its still doesnt run flash and I really dont see a big development from the first one. When I spoke to a Best Buy employee, who works in laptop department, he quoted "i just got myself a iPad 1 and sad to say I really dont see the big difference between iPad 1 & 2".Well, its dropping at 5 PM at your near by Best Buy and im actually suprised to see a line forming for it. Dont let me be the decider, I always recommand people to try it out themselves before listening to me. So try it and you decide either you want it or not. I rather go with Motorola XOOM(oh honeycom, how i love thee).
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