By now, you should have at least heard about the game call "Angry Bird". Well........Angry Bird is a ripoff. Not in a sense of being boring or scam but it copied someone else's idea. Angry Bird is a game where you get these birds and you shoot at green pigs because they stole Angry Bird's eggs; so you use a large sling shot to destroy these "obstructions" to get to the green pigs and you "kill" them. I am not going to lie by saying this game is stupid and boring, because it's not. it's fun and it's probably one of the best game that ever been created for mobile devices, but what I'm saying is that it took the idea from other game, it just got more famous than the other one. The idea they ripped off is call "Crazy Penguin Catapult" and it's really fun. When my sister told me about Angry Bird and when I tried it out for the first time, I was like "hey, they ripped off Crazy Penguin Catapult" which was my favorite game on my iPod Touch. Im not bashing on Angry Bird but the concept of the game is the same. In Angry Bird, you use these tropical birds with large sized sling shot to kill these green pigs; where in Crazy Penguin Catapult, you are using penguins with catapult to kill the polar bears. Try it, iPod users and tell me what the difference is.



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