
This post is for youngsters out there. Right now, you might be sitting in Junior High, High School, or even in College and thinking "I don't want to be here". Trust me, I know how you feel. If anyone could understand how you feel, it's me. School doesn't sound like the best place be at and when you are there, you think of other place you want to be at. Plus school becomes, not a place for education, but for socializing and your social statues becomes a main focus. I KNOW!!! But let me tell you. When I was young, I didn't want to study and go to school. I was a trouble maker ever since I was a kid. During my Junior year in High School, I got 12 suspensions in one semester. When that happened, My vice principal told me "3 more and you are out of here". I also graduated high school with 1.8 GPA which is terrible, but I didn't care. I thought of myself as a artistic person, so why does literature style education matters to me, right? After I graduated and when I started to fill out those job applications, I realize I need to go to college. Not in a sense of getting higher education, but to get "better job" point of perspective. After 2 years out of High School and even then I thought I was done with school. When I turned 20, I was arrested for MIP. That even took me to Pullman, WA and from then I wanted to study. To better myself and my resume of course. After an year out in Pullman, I came back and started to attend Art Institute of Seattle. Even Then, I still didn't care. I did better then I did in high school but I still wasn't focused. I do believe if I put my mind to it, I can achieve anything. I know I didn't put in my 100%, however, during that time, my family fell in to great financial hardship. Last year, I graduated with A.A in Fashion Marketing. Trust me; in real world, A.A means "go back to school and get B.A". But now, while Im trying to build my company, I realize, I NEED TO STUDY. I need to take classes to show me exactly, what I need to do, and also make connection and network. Youngsters, if you are reading this, please study. This is all for your own good. Your parents aren't going to be there to support you forever. When you grow up, you gotta take the world all on yourself and only shield that can protect you is education. I use to say "If I dont do this right now, I will never be able to do it". Same saying as "You get to be 18 for once in your life'; that is true but everyone have at least one time in their life where they need to do hard work. So for kids, who study hard when they are young, all those work will be compensated when you get old. Take a look at the geeks at your school, yeah they dont have the social statues or they arent the popular jocks who gets to have sex and party, but you will be working for them later in your life. So if you want to be a winner of life, Hit the Books!!!


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