Move forward so your past don't catch up

Most of us heard of quote "Time heals all wounds", which simply put, in due time, your emotional pain will be healed. We go through so much things, every single day, every single moment. It might be nothing to some, but to you it is something very significant and single moment can surely change the direction of your life. But in 12 months, 48 weeks, 365 days; things will happen and you just can't get away from all of it. My suggestion? Make new memories to faded away the old ones. Doesn't matter if it's good or bad, those events will soon to be memories.

I dated this girl in High school for 8 months. We had our ups and downs, but at that time, she was my life and my air to breathe on this earth. But, parents of both side knew something, the young lovers didn't know about. They knew it wasn't going to work out and the relationship was only dragging us down to bad rather than good. So the situation became similar to story line to, great work of Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet. I told that to my father, one night and he chuckled about it. I didn't know back then and to me back then, she was all I needed in this life. WASN'T I COMPLETELY WRONG?! Time passed and soon she started to fade away, as I was moving forward in this life without her. New events came and these became new memories.

So, the point of this blog is very simple; move forward with your life and don't let the past catch up to you. More time you dwell on something, more time it's taking you away from present and not preparing you for the future, emotionally and physically. I think it has do to with lot of Hollywood, romantic comedies where someone loves someone so much they try to hold everything and pursue to win that love. I am not saying you shouldn't follow what you believe in, but you should also know when to call the quits. Don't dwell on the past, and open your eyes and heart to invite present and future.


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