Documentary Era
What kills the media? Media, itself. Actually, not so much on the creator but more so by the people who gets the right to play/ show the art these artist of media circle created. They over plays it and over sells it; that is what kills the media. Now days, we have so much easier access to contain media such as songs, movies, and shows, these media industries are some what getting hurt so they are trying to figure out how to sell it without being illegally downloaded. So now, they mass produce many of things. I have recently been watch movie that has came out 2011 and 2012 and, even though I have a list of more movies to watch, these movies that I am watching are really good. I mean, these movies are so good that if these movies came out with some times gap between them, they would surely be known as "Classics". The lady with Dragon Tattoo to The Descendants, Columbus Circle, London Blvd, and King's speech; these movies surely has a quality to be known as "Classic" movie worthy. But that has got me thinking,; if they are creating these master pieces in such short time period, has our understanding of master piece well known and drought down, what is this mean to the media? What is this means to movies? What happen to the value of Hollywood? What is the future for media?
Well, in this (C)loud generation, we are now use to having exactly what we want on our finger tip. We are YouTube generation, we are Google generation, we are Internet generation ; we seek for information and we hope to find it quickly and simplest way. We aren't the bone head we were in 90's where we bought music, went to theaters to pay for a new movie; we are kids of war and doom. Meaning, we are kids who are trying to be smartest one to survive, because we believe smarts will give you the shortcut to success. We are just training our thinking process like we are playing chess, know more so we can do something quicker and more effective.
We are done with reality shows. Reality shows are ok but it really shows the dumb side of human nature. It is time for Documentaries. To train you thoughts and learn more. I mean, Knowledge is power, right? We have such great channels like History channel, discovery, national geography and others, and these are the genre that will be ruling the media circuit in 2013. We are almost like a soldiers training for war, and knowing more feels that it will help us to survive. Welcome to the Documentary Era.
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