Andrea Vilchis: Military Wives

Many military wives, girlfriends and fiances have a difficult emotional time dealing with their other significant one being in the Military many wives married their husbands knowing that they’ll get deployed where as some marry men who later join the military. either way, it’s important to maintain inner poise and harmony when dealing with a love one who is getting deployed overseas OR already is the life of a military wife, girlfriend, fiance can be challenging, but it can only make you stronger. Change your perspective into a positive one.

Find a support system. Military wives usually band together during troubled times. Deployment may be one of them. It’s important to maintain solid friendships. You may decide to lean on long-term family members and friends. Good friends will provide you with the emotional support that you need during tough times.

Shift your attention. If you have a career, focus on it completely!!!if you have children, spend more time with them. This is a great time to shift one’s attention from your relationship with your husband to other areas in life. This can be a great time to pick up a new skill or practice an old one.

Deployment is a tough part of life for military children too Im not a Mom yet but why not try to give the best advise to all those wonderful and strong moms out there, I think it’s important that you provide your kids with the support necessary, so that they remain emotionally and mentally balanced during the time of the father deployment, also make sure that you are well supported in the situation. It may be tough to handle a spouse’s deployment. In order for your kids to remain strong, you must have the strength within yourself to handle the situation, make sure to look at the positive as much as possible. The way you feel can truly effect the way your children feel. And also one of the most important ones too, is communicate with your kids about how they feel about the entire situation. It’s important for kids to release their feelings. If they’re having any problems about the deployment, then seek out ways to find solutions.

If you don’t have kids, focus more attention on yourself. There are numerous ways to treat yourself. Take advantage of this time.

To all the Army girlfriends just because your'e not a "Army wive" it doesn't mean you don't go thru difficult times too, I know its hard to deal with so many things I personally believe its harder then being a Army wive in some ways.. Why? because unfortunately you will have people coming to you and telling you all this negative things. once I write this on my Facebook page and I would like to share it with all the girlfriends out there. 

When I tell people that my boyfriend is in the Army, I usually am met with the same response Oooh really? "I don’t know how you do it. I couldn’t be with someone in the military.”

I can understand why they feel that way. Being apart from the one you love for long periods of time gets really tough. Being in a military relationship is an emotional and patriotic combination of sacrifice and reward.

I’ve learned how to be a stronger, independent individual. I know that in the Army, no news is good news. I have learned the importance of communication and how to maintain a strong connection through any way.

By investing time and energy into such a challenging situation, I have come out the other side with a newly earned title. I am an Army Girlfriend. I serve alongside my man by staying strong and carrying on. I do things on my own, for myself, with no one’s help. Are all the difficulties of a military relationship worth it, you ask? I say, if it’s the right person, then you would do whatever it takes. It’s like sacrificing an hour on the treadmill so that you can enjoy an Apple Fritter from Starbucks. Sure, that hour on the treadmill is challenging, sometimes painful, seemingly never-ending and you always end up staring at the display to watch the minutes slowly tick by. But when you do finally get off, you’re so much stronger and proud of yourself for not giving up…and now you get your reward.

Yes, I just likened my boyfriend to an Apple Fritter.

So, with that said, I could not be more proud to be with a military man. His trials, tribulations, challenges and sacrifices inspire me every day to be a better person.

All I can say to you girls is have hope but most important have faith and faith in yourself, It will pass I promise it will, and if you have people telling you negative stuff just remember Its your heart and only yours. Theres a sayin "listen to your heart"

- By Andrea Vilchis


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