Soldier's war

War: Noun: a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or between parties within the nation; warfare, as by land, sea, or air. There is nothing good about war and there is nothing you gain from war, unless you are profiting and forcing the smaller nation to "share" their resources. But really, you lose so much more than what you gain. Back in the days, war had a meaning, the reason to fight between nations. Civil war; for the right to free the slaves, Revolution war; to be independent from British, World War I & II; for the freedom of all mankind, and even war between Troy and Sparta; fight for right to love the one, all the wars has a meaning that is not just for gaining a profit(Unless you are Agamemnon), it should have more meaning for it. What is the reason of Afghan war? What is for Iraq? Who are we to tell the other nation how to create their society and what structure their governing system should be like? 

To me, now days, wars are started by big fat pigs who sits in a big ass room and figuring out how they can take some else resources and when they have the "strategy", they gather young kids who doesn't know better to go kill people. These war leaves scar that no one else can fix, they can't undo what they have done and they can't un-see what they have seen and they can't un-smell what they have smelt. Scream of people dying from pain is something they will be hunted in every night and their dreams are hunted from all the bullets that was use to kill the innocents. Report shows that there are high numbers of mental health disorders are being diagnosed to US military personnel after being released from duty in Afghan and Iraq. When a person do something that is morally wrong for them, these experiences traumatizes people and they will never be the same as they were before they experienced these horrors. 

But it's not the war that kills a man inside. Every man are capable of pulling the trigger to defend for their country, I do not doubt that, but it's the loneliness and sadness that dwells around them for leaving the people they love and possibly won't ever see those faces again. If not physically, it surely be mental like they have some kind of amnesia where they have forgotten to be the person they were before. It's not there fault, it's the environment that reset their views from civilian mode to survival mode, where even a slight unfamiliar noise at night time can make these people become alerted and be on a kill mode. It's almost as these people have devolve into more violent version of themselves and they are willing to kill more any means necessary. But don't blame these soldiers, they are only following orders. It's sadden to see a perfectly good person to become this robots where their morals are getting taken away. 

For those who lost their love ones  who fought for our freedom, I thank you dearly. 


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