What a Weiner: NY Rep. Anthony Weiner Scandal

Ever since social networking sites have been norm-ized, divorce rate has increased and cheating spouses has tripled. Maybe it is the wide open market of relationship creating website, maybe just pure curiosity to get to know another, or maybe the evil in mankind to fill the satisfaction; but whatever reason is Anthony Weiner has been caught, that's plain and simple.

NY Rep. Anthony Weiner has been caught sending controversial pictures using Twitter to a 18 years old girl out in WA. When Rep. Weiner was first accused, he claimed that he's twitter account was hacked and hacker posted images from Weiner's Twitter account to frame and humiliated him. But as the story gets deeper and deeper, he finally came out and claimed that, he's Twitter account wasn't hacked and it was indeed him who sent the photos to young girl. But he's point is that, he have not done anything wrong. Yes, Rep. Weiner is a married man and the girl is young, but she is age of 18 and he did not have a physical sexual relationship with her. He apologized to his wife but he claims to stay in the office. Now the whole government in on a "Witch-Hunt" to get Rep. Weiner out of the office and even President Obama is publicly announcing that Rep. Weiner should resign.

Now, time for my opinions. Yes, you are right, you might say it was unethical but as a man, we do understand him, don't we?  The whole point of someone say he did something wrong is because he is married and he is a congressman, but other than that he has not broken any laws, it's just unethical. But with all the numbers of divorces in this country alone, who are we to judge. Have we never talked to an opposite sex and fantasies about getting intimate with them? Even though we have spouse or in relationship, have we not hang out with opposite genders and maybe to fill that satisfaction your partner could not provide? I think Weiner is a brave man to really stood up and said he have made a mistake but this incident can not jeopardize his life's work.

Do I believe Rep. Anthony Weiner did something wrong? In ethical sense, Yes. But in a reality, No, and I live in Reality more than ethical world.


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