The Adjustment Bureau: Big Brother Theory

Have we ever thought that someone is always watching us? Listening to every conversation we have and  watching us from far away to see we are doing exactly like what they "plan" us to do? Well this is call "Big Brother" theory. The theory basically is saying that government is watching all of the citizens moves and their actions, and they control the outcome by putting us in planned situation. In this movie, they call it "Adjustment Bureau". They look over things and write your life, basically. Let's get into the movie, shall we?

The movie starts out as young politician trying to run for senator of New York. Young senator name David Norris, played by Matt Damon, has his campaign but with bad publicity, he lose the election. The night he gives out his "lose" speech, he walks inside the restroom to practice his speech. Little did he know, he had someone listening secretly. A woman steps out of the stall and meets David Norris. It was love in first sight but she gets chased out of the building cause she actually crashed a wedding and she was hiding out in guys bathroom. Not knowing when he's going to meet her, he moves on with his life. Next day, person who is part of Adjustment Bureau and David Norris's personal guide was given order to make sure David Norris does not take certain bus. Waiting for David Norris, Harry(played by Anthony Mackie) over slept and he fail to stop David Norris from hopping on that bus. On that bus, David Norris meets Elise( the girl from the stall/ played by Emily Blunt), again. He finally gets her number and heads to the his work. But this was not the path Adjustment Bureau had in mine for him. So they try to do best they can to stop them from being with each other.

Now, there's the intro for the movie, let me share my opinions. Its a great movie. It's thrilling story line with romance has hit the mark. Plus the whole, conspiracy theory that dwells around our government definitaley makes this movie interesting. So I will end this blog by recommending this movie.


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