Get BOOTED in Seattle, WA

Every downtown in nation are the hardest places to find parking places and that is no exception for Seattle, WA. Actually, I find Seattle parking accommodation more difficult then other cities such as Los Angeles or San Antonio. We sometimes get confused by the sign, parking meter might be out of order, or it's just might be lack of your focus but every time I street park in Seattle, it tents to get me on the edge. In Seattle, it's better to leave your car in parking garage and hide away from the parking fairy with their white and blue golf karts.

Now Seattle is making that this more difficult then what it is. If you live in Seattle, you should know parking meter only lets you out maximum of 2 hrs. When I went to Art Institute of Seattle, our classes were 4 hrs long for each class and I often forgot about putting money in the meter. I received at least 3 tickets an year. Now, it gets more scary; if you have 4 or more unpaid parking tickets, they gonna "Boot" you car. To release the boot, you must call and arrange to pay by credit card or other payment method. And employee will provide a code to unlock the boot. The driver must return the 16 pound boot within 2 business days at one of three locations, or face additional fines of $25 a day or a $500 replacement fee if the boot is stolen, lost or discarded. 

This is Bullshit. It's already difficult to park and enjoy the downtown area but now this will chase away people and drive people to go to other cities such as Bellevue, or even Spokane. This is unnecessary procedure will soon drive citizens mad. To grow revenue of the city, they are jeopardizing allot. So I will end this blog by saying, REPEAL THE BOOT POLICY!!!!


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