You are able to protect everything when you are able to give up everything
Value is more than dollar symbol; value is described as relative worth, merit, or importance. What people value the most are: Life, Family, and Money. But, when you reach the age where the death is lot closer than your birthday is, you started to see value in little things. When you are young, you have your mind set focused on material things in the world. We want the toys, we want the opposite sex, we want the fame, we want all of these things that really doesn't have any values. But when you want to truly protect these things, you have to be able to give up these things. Like gamble; you should not worry about the money you are playing with or the winnings, than you will win more because you are more careless about it and you will follow your guts more than you would with your head (BTW, Hold'em is not a sport). Or another great example; love. If you want to protect your love, you got to be willing to give up that love to protect the person. Now, I'm not saying you should give away everything that you like or love, but you should be ABLE to do so. When that day comes, you will truly see the true value in things.
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