Welcome to the world of Total Recall

Who remembers the movie "Total Recall" from 1990? Movie is about a man who goes on a virtual vacation to Mars, an unexpected and harrowing series of events forces him to go to the planet for real...or does he (As described on IMDb site). Starting Arnold Schawarzenegger as the main character; the movie paints the picture of future where we be living in mars. What interested me is, how so many things they have described as "Future" gadgets existed in our modern time, and it only been 20 years since the movie came out.

Technology that were shown in the movie were video chatting system, identification machine using finger print, auto driving car, X-ray scanner at air ports, and design of the cars. Video chatting service was often used in the movie and to think of it, we have that service. The use of VoIP, we now have company call Skype that let us connect and chat using camera. How about finger print for identification? Oh, that is way too easy; so easy that our modern technology have already passed that. X ray scanner for airports? Well, that's the new thing for the 21st century. After devastating tragedy of 9/11, our airport security have been tougher than passing the law. So TSA isssued X Ray style scanning system for security purpose at the terminals. How about auto driving cars? I know you are thinking "What auto driving car? We don't have that.". Think about the self parking car, which technology works as two cameras each in front and back to adjust and calculate the space and parks itself. This is the technology that exist now and this is a evidence that proves that auto driving car is not too far away.

Future is here people. Now, where are those chicks with 3 tits at?

PS. There is new Total Recall coming out starting Colin Farrell on August 3. That should give us an insight of our future.


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