Sacrifice for love ones is must

What defines as "Love"? According to the dictionary, love is described as a profoundly tender, passionate affection to another; or, a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for parents, child or friend. Love is such a tender thing that we all hope to gain and hold on to. We all hope to love and be loved, but as an individual, what have you sacrifice for love? Nothing is that of important unless you sacrifice for the greatness of it's to gain the best. Like they say, "it got to be worth fighting for or it's nothing to cherish" or "It's not that important, if you don't remember it"; same analogy, just put in different timing or feeling.

Loving someone or being loved by someone is probably best thing this mysterious life can offer us. Knowing someone out there is thinking of you, worrying about you, caring for you, wondering about you; and, as soon as they see you, their face light up like a lamp that turned on to bright up the whole room. Feeling of "love" is surely something to protect and cherish. So, it's easy to see and say that sacrifice for love ones is must.

Due to my recent relocation, I have been missing my peers and the events that we normally would share. It was my friend's birthday, recently, and I, of course, told her happy birthday through social network. We had our small talk and during that conversation, she mentioned that "Things are not the same and for some reason I think you were the glue that was holding this friends together". What a great complement she spoke of me. Would there be anything more great than receiving an acknowledgment  from your peer for the presence and work that one person have done? However, without sounding narcissistic, I have worked in my time with peer to gather them altogether. I always tried to gather much of the common friends together; as they say "More the merrier" and I truly do believe in that.

Some asks me, "Why do you do it? Why is it your responsibility? Why is it so important to you?". Well, I believe that this responsibility that I have taken was created due to my childhood days.

 I was born as last child of 3, which first two are daughters and me being the only son with 3 year difference to closest sibling, you understand that I was the odd one out of the 3. So, being the only son, it resulted me to deal with things all by myself and I had to be the one who had to figure out most of things for myself. However, my humorous characteristic always blessed me to gain friends, easily. But, I created this clear line between doing things private and public where there things I would do with peers and things I do for myself. Also, my family have moved more than most of families. So, I never really had "Long time" friends; it always felt as I was on a train, and every stop they made, I had to make friends to drown my loneliness, temporarily.
I promised myself that, when my family is finally settled into some place, I would do my best to make that "Long Term" friends and cherish them. When I moved to Redmond, WA; I finally gain that chance of having a long term friends, which I still have. Friends that are more than just friends, but more like families, where they are the first people to share good/ bad news with, share events with, and etc..

So, you can see why Friendship is such an important thing to me and I do much as I could do to protect and keep that friendship. Of course, we fight, we argue, we have our differences, but at the end, if the problem is not resolved, I would bend my pride and try to be the bigger man and apologize. If apologizing to a wrong that I did not commit to keep my friend, then I would apologize till my last breathe, but that does not mean I have no back bone or stands. Also, my zodiac sign is Virgo. Virgo's character is that "Virgo adapt to different people and situations by finding ways to make themselves useful. To hide their vulnerability, they focus attention on what they're doing rather than who they are. To deflect attention away from themselves, Virgos will also focus on ther people by praising their talents and virtues, or by criticizing faulty behavior or personal imperfection.". That simply describe part of my behavior and my actions; I'm a people person who wants to help or critic people.

I can think of numerous times where I have done things that I was particularly not really happy to do but did it so others can feel happiness. My self sacrifice for other's happiness is small price to pay, because I am a strong believer of Karma. All these sacrifice DO come back to me and peers to find the importance in my presence. They say "Sacrificing your happiness for the happiness of ones you loves is by far the truest type of love" and I guess that's my mind set. Going back to my conversation that I had with my friend who said "Things are not the same and for some reason I think you were the glue that was holding this friends together", I replied "Cherish every moment now. The time will go faster from this point on. You got to be the glue, sacrifice for love ones is must". If people are self centered and hope that everyone praise them, only would lead them to be alone. Relationship is like clapping; it can only work if both of them meet each other. In Christianity, God sacrificed his only son because he loved his children that was drenched in the world of sin. 1 Corinthians 12:25 quotes "The members should have the same care for other" and just like my theory above, it will only work if two parties do same amount of work to make something special. Relationship might sound like the easiest thing to do, but keeping it will take some work. Even the greatest story of all time  relates to this analogy. 

I remember the question my friend asked me when she met a guy. She really liked him and she wanted something special for the first time, and she asked with sincerity what I think of him. I told her that he looks like a good guy but it wasn't on him to really make things work. I knew my friend for a decade so I know lot about her and what she is like in relationship. So I told her that "If you want something special and want to make this work; you have to meet him half way. No one will give 100% to make something happen when they feel that other is not even giving 50%. If perfection is 100% , then each have to put equal share to make that 100%, or surely, one side will feel that they are putting way more work than other". She is engaged to the that man at this point and they seems have found that other missing piece they have lost. 

Sacrifice for the love ones is must; other than that is selfish. 


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