Myself: Carry my own weight

"If you want it to be done right, you have to do it yourself", quote that is almost a living motto for many managers and bosses. Now, that sounds simple enough for you to understand, but is it simple enough for you to do it? We love to blame someone else for mistakes and rather not get blame for things, we love to give excuses and make our cases and pretend that we are innocent. But without the burden in your life and responsibility, would you be able to be mature and be grown?

In this world, even though you might have lot of friends and lot of family members; when it all come down, you are really all alone. Now the question is, are you responsible enough to carry your own weight? Much as you love to picture yourself becoming a millionaire and float around Mediterranean seas in your big yacht, drinking Dom Perignon, and bask in the sun; reality is that you are probably stuck in a building staring at a computer and checking your Facebook. However, even though you think your life is not nearly fabulous as you want it to be,  truth is that you are carrying your own weight through this cold world. You are providing roof over your head, food on your table, and clothes on your body; no matter what people say, you are doing you.

When you are in elementary, you didn't have to worry about responsibility, you are a kid. When you get into Jr. high, you start to realize and you start doing chores. Those little probably bitched about. In high school, responsibility got bigger and you feel like people are out to get you. Than you go to college and you start living for yourself...than you look back and realize things are harder than it is said. When you leave college, get a job and your own place, now you realize that you are on your own. No one is going to help you and you have no one to blame except you. By this time, you start feeling the regrets of your past but you know it's too late to change.

Are you enough to carry yourself and your weight? Life is not easy, life is not kind, life is do not forgive, and life will not forget, but it's in your hands to take life it's horn and show them that you are the boss of your own life. No one can tell you how to live it, but you should be able to control it before it controls you. Only regret you should have is for your excuses you have made to buy some time, but then you will realize that those excuses will hunt you.

Carry your weight because no one else will.


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