How fast can you get up?

Life is....well it's a journey, right? We have a destination that we are trying to reach, but we do not know what will happen on the way to that destination. We try to prepare for the worst but sometimes that worst is least what we expected for. I like to quote from the movie "Rocky Balboa", which the story is about Rocky's life after stardom where he is more of old time boxer and he has his son all grown up. After a little argument he has with his son about how his son has too big of shoes to fill, Rocky quotes "In boxing, it's not about if you get knocked down, but how fast can you get up". Even though, this sounds really easy to do, like most, it's easier said than done.

Life throws lot of curve balls to everyone, and sometimes it holds us so long that we have hard time to get back to our starting point. Sometimes, we get left in a dust and be forgotten. Sometimes, we fight through those curve balls as it is nothing to us. But when you grow up, you will realize that all those curve balls have prepared you. Prepared you for the best and of course, prepared for the worst. It's more curve balls you survive through, you have more chances to last in this world.

Life is not hard, but it surely isn't easy. Can you compare your life and complain when there are so many more people who weren't even given that chance to start with? School you attended, family you had, food you ate, clothing you wear; are you grateful for all those? I can not say I was grateful for everything I was given from starting point, for many years, I claimed that it was my parents duty to do so. Boy, was I wrong. But thankfully, I started to work early in my life and I learned the value of dollar really quick.

Please do tell me, did you do your best to have what you have? Have you worked before? Have you worked  and go to school before? Have you worked 2 jobs and went to school before? Have you spend your time wisely rather than wastefully? Does every minute counts on your watch or do you just wear it for a fashion? Have you had a situation where you were force to evict? Have you ever had $3 to your name for a week and pretended that was plenty? Have you had all your services cut off from your house before? Have you argued with your loves one over few measly dollars? and have you freed yourself from all this problems?

Now, these are the questions I have dealt with already. So, I can proudly say that I been to the bottom. But when you go to the bottom, there is no where else to go except up. I worked hard and I worked for my passion and I worked for my pride and I worked for my future. I will never be in that situation as I was in, again because now I know how to get out of it. How did I do it? I worked. Doesn't matter what I was asked to do, I did it with pride and determination as my back was against the wall.

So, ask yourself; do you have the determination to get yourself out of the hole? Because no one in this world is going to pull you out except your damn self. Life will beat you up and tear you apart, all you have to do is get up. Tell me, how fast can you get up? Don't ever let others tell you that you can't.


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