2016 Presidential Election

Is it the internet that made this generation to be "pussy" generation? or is it the fact that we are more aware of the situation because internet let us see the world as it is and finally getting shine on it? Regardless what the origin is, we know we are facing problems in U.S. Racial separation is rising, class division is more defined, middle class is no longer a mid class but more on upper low class, and poverty is in state of one of all time highest. It gotten some what better as some jobs have been created resulting to less number of employment,  gas price has dropped from nearing $5 to $2.50 a Gal. AVG. But, with this up coming election, we seems like we are about to have another civil war; black people are more vocal and closet confederates are surely surfacing. But I think both of sides can agree on one thing is that we can't trust politicians.
Image of Republican party has been diminished by works of George W. Bush where we suffered the one of the worst economical crisis after building up national debt to trillions of dollars due to invasions. Image of Democrat party has been plaster all over social media as they are trying to reach younger generations for one more popular vote. U.S now has become country that is similar to house of two roommates whom just had enough of each other and one is willing to move out to start new depends on who the alpha is going to be.
After serving 2 terms, nation's first black president is moving out of white house. Some loves him, some hates him, and under his supervision lot of diversity has been created due to his many liberal focused agendas from gun rights, marijuana law, gay rights, and affordable care act that some Americans loves it, and some American hates him for not being conservatives and think that he is changing too much where there is no longer a line. But it's not just him, it's always been like this with America that has 2 party system; we just happen to live in this era and it's affecting us.
So, it's time to pick a new leader. We have Donald Trump as front runner and most certain a republican nominee for the election. Doesn't matter if you like it or not and think it's a joke and think he is not qualified; one sure thing is that he is the nominee for Republican party. Some Republicans are hating this and tried to stop him, but it's bit late for that now. On the other hand we have 2 front runners for Democratic party: Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. It seems that Clinton is a front runner at this moment. She has experiences in office and she will be the first woman president. Then, we have Bernie Sanders. Old Jewish man with possible idea of  socialism who believes many things need to me monitored and equalized. If you want to know more about their history and stands, this is not a article you should read, but do some research.

Now, from this point on, I will be writing on my point of view. It may offend some people and some people may agree, but this should not persuade you but give you an idea of what is on my mind. After all, this is my blog.

Before nominees were announced, I knew Hilary was going to run and I wanted to vote for her. Experienced, knowledgeable, served as secretary of the states, handled foreign affairs; she seemed to be the great candidate. But then the dirt start coming out about her and I started to question her leadership. At this moment she is too eager to be a president and it does feel like she will do "Anything" to become the next president. Trump....I don't know. I have mix feeling about Trump. Yes, I hate the "Trump" that is on camera and catering to lowest, stupidest, racist, arrogant demographic of this country. But what I was fortunate to have a good talk with one of the supporters who was well knowledge about his policies and I start to think that, if this man really stands for this but not present it in rallies and campaigns, can I trust this man? Almost having 2 faces; one more idiots and one behind the desk. Plus, he does not have any experience in politics. He may have friends in politics but himself never even been a mayor of a city, so how can he govern one of the strongest nation?
Now that leaves me with Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders who walked with MLK, who did not get support from big companies for his campaign, and was against bail outs. Bernie Sanders who wants to start taxing riches and build middle class stronger. Bernie Sanders who wants to decriminalize marijuana and wants to make college education affordable so youth doesn't have to choose between college or job. Bernie who wants to provide universal health coverage for all. Bernie is my vote at this moment.

But media asks how is Bernie Sanders going to achieve these? I think we are in a very sensitive state in politics. I have said onto someone "If Trump win, there will be Civil War 2. If Hilary wins, there will be World War 3. If Bernie wins, there will be Economical War". I strongly believe something will happen that is drastic. So, it's better as nation suffer in their pockets than in their heart. We can make America great again, but not by boasting ourselves, but to be humble and be a leader. If it's revolution within political system; it's better to tear the whole wall down and start over than try to keep adding bricks to fix the original issues.

But it's my point of view.


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