
Showing posts from May, 2016

2016 Presidential Election

Is it the internet that made this generation to be "pussy" generation? or is it the fact that we are more aware of the situation because internet let us see the world as it is and finally getting shine on it? Regardless what the origin is, we know we are facing problems in U.S. Racial separation is rising, class division is more defined, middle class is no longer a mid class but more on upper low class, and poverty is in state of one of all time highest. It gotten some what better as some jobs have been created resulting to less number of employment,  gas price has dropped from nearing $5 to $2.50 a Gal. AVG. But, with this up coming election, we seems like we are about to have another civil war; black people are more vocal and closet confederates are surely surfacing. But I think both of sides can agree on one thing is that we can't trust politicians. Image of Republican party has been diminished by works of George W. Bush where we suffered the one of the worst economic...