Samsung Pay: New mile stone of mobile pay

As our technology grew, so did our payment system. Old days days, it was all gold coins, then cash came in as nations established their banking system, then we were introduced to credit card, and now, mobile payment. Mobile payment became some what of essential thing and many store started to adopt the trend and enhanced their credit card system to make mobile payment easy due to our daily usage of our smartphones. But not many followed suites. I would say about 75% of the bricks and stone stores haven't got to that, yet. But do not fear, Samsung Pay is here.

Few days ago, i was out of town and when I was on my way back,  i accidentally left my wallet in my parents car. Luckily I had my passport, so getting through security check at the airport wasn't going to be a problem. But, i had no money; no cash, no card, no anything. But i had my phone. I had my Android pay set up on my phone, but my fear was that stores at airport wasn't equipped to accept mobile payment yet. But, luckily I set up my Samsung Pay right before I got out of the car, where I left my wallet at. Samsung Pay didn't have affiliation with Wells Fargo, which was my bank,  so i couldn't set it up for longest time. But i was lucked out that day and I was able to set it up on my way to airport.
So i wanted to test it. I walked into a deli and they had the Square brand cash register. Square was first introduced for smartphone where you could connect this square device into headphone jack and it will accept credit cards. They became success and introduced a cash register with touch screen. So, i grabbed a bottle of water and told them my situation. She says "we don't accept apple pay yet". I told her, just give it a shot. So she turned her register around and told me to do it. I got my Samsung Pay open, and placed the back of my phone on to where you would normally swipe your card. Then she ahhh-ed in suprise; it went through.  But i wasnt 100% confident. Square is very new device, so i wanted to try old fashion cash register. So, i went to a magazine shop. I grabbed my things and got up to the register and asked if they accepted mobile pay. An old middle eastern lady looks at me and says "sorry no". But i wanted to try. She seemed little bothered and annoyed, which i understand because she just told me they don't,  but i insisted. I'm sure she wanted to try and tell me "I told you we don't", but she had to try first. First try, it didn't work and she handed my phone and said it didn't work. I insist on having her try again. Then she smiled with excitement and said "oh wow, it worked". She added "I don't know how it worked but it worked, im so suprised".

Now, let me explain a bit. Mobile pay such as Apple pay or Android Pay uses NFC chip in your phone to make the payment and normal, old fashion credit card machine use magnetic field, which uses magnetic strip on back of your card to transfer account information. Now, Samsung Pay creates that magnetic field to send it to the credit card machine using the swipe area.
It's been 3 days without my wallet and u haven't even been to the bank, once. It's been golden. I went to Barnes and Noble in The Grove yesterday to get some coffee and magazines. While I standing in line, a lady in front of me wanted to pay with Starbucks rewards app on her phone; cashier says we don't accept mobile pay.
Now, it's my turn. I placed an order and took my phone out. I could see it in this girls's face that she wanted to tell me the same thing she wanted to tell the lady in front of me. But, it went through and her jaw dropped. She was so shocked she looked at her credit card machine thinking the store might have upgraded the machine. She asked "wait, what did you do? We don't accept mobile pay. What is that?  How did you do that?". I walked away as I was smiling and i told her "its power of banana (because I told her my name was banana)".

So, all said and done Samsung Pay is amazing. I really don't need my physical  credit card. Great job, Samsung.


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