Know what you are representing

I see, more and more, people kind of switching sides. I meant in their beliefs; when did all these people decide to drop their faith and adore more so on the dark side of things. More and more, I see people with goat symbol, pentagram, Baphomet, and masonic on their daily wear and I look at it like "What the F#@k is going on?". Actually, I know what's going on; Media. I'm sorry to say it, but media have turned out faith upside down like the cross. Let me say this before I go in father; I am not Christian, nor Muslim  Jewish, Buddhist, Mormon, or any kind of religion person. In modern day, you are a square if you are a church goer and you are cool if you worship Satan. I mean, WTF? It's not that I care for heaven and hell but are these people know what they are doing and what they are saying? Or are they just following fed and trends that media have hurled these innocent children to become soldier of dark side. I know about the dark forces, I studied about Freemasons, Illuminati, and etc. but I feel like these kids are in it for trend. That is the worst of the worst. I know what I believe and I know what my faith is. I do say "Hail Satan" and I do leave traces of symbols to get people curious but I am not a Devil worshiper. I do these acts to get people confused and curious. If anything, I am doing these to mock these people who are ignorant and stupid to understand their action. This isn't a fed, you have sold your soul and there is no way you can get it back. This is not a fed or trend. One of my rhymes, I wrote "Who's going to try to fool me, when I see the truth/ when devils rising and angels lost the touch of the youth/ I guess the Holy War is over/ Lucifer took the throne over Jehovah, and I roll over" as to say that in 21st century, Devils or our moral and ethics have been twisted and turned to worship the evil side. I don't follow trend. I do things my way and I do with reasons. I am no longer a sheep to these big corporations that guides or lead these new generation of kids because I understand what they are doing. Open your eyes and understand what they have done to you in daily bases. You aren't cool, you are product of big corporation. Because you have name brand clothes and shoes, you think that makes you cool? No. Where is your individualism, where is your independence, where is your identity when you are same as everyone and being fooled to consume unnecessary object that will soon to be destroyed nor useless. You think you are different, OK  how many apple product you have and had? How many pairs of shoes do you have or had? How many things do you have or had that you look back and said 'Damn, why did I buy these?". It's cool when you have brain and knowledge to look pass this and stand for what's righteous, not what's cool on the outside. I can wear whatever I want to and I still be able to talk to girls. I don't have to be buff to be cool or sexy, I am funny. I don't need to wear upside down cross and goat head on my shirt to make people think I am a rebel. I do, however, leave these traces on my social network and talk to people about it open their eyes on the issues. Welcome to 21st century, you are all morons and you will burn in hell for this.


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