"Sir" & "Ma'am"

Not many people say these words any more; Sir or Ma'am. I worked in customer service long enough that if became words that I use frequently. People love to here and some prefer to be just called by their name when I call them that. But these are words of manner and you can't go wrong showing some manner. But this blog isn't about manners, it's more about domino affect. Currently, I work at a convenient store and I deal with many different characters; Some rich, some poor, some young and some old. Older generation love hearing younger person call them Sir or Ma'am because it shows sign of respect. Not really in Pullman but on the Westside of Washington, lot of young people come in and greet with "What's Up, Yo, Sup", which I am not mad at but, personally, I don't really like it. It's because I am a person of class and I try to act like a gentleman much as possible. I know why they do it because I use to those kids. I use to have pants hanging un...