Grateful for my misery
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and, in this life, there is no such thing as smooth sailing. Everyone goes through their own ways of pain and, even though its hurtful during the moment, it gives the best gift to us; experience. Once you go through such events that shakes your life, you would know exactly how to deal with it when it comes around. At that moment, you feel like your heart is torn to pieces, darkness bloom inside of you, sun will never shine again, and want to say ”F*#k everybody”. But, you have to keep your head up and fight through this pain because this pain will make your hearr stronger than it was before. Its kinda like getting sick; when you first get it, the new feeling will break you down and tear you apart, but once you dealt with it, you will get immune to the pain. Its harder to do than,talk,about it, but this blog is written to let you know that, don't lose hope. You have to keep going. I often think that, people who went through great amount of pain when they were kids, will have strength to become great as long as they keep going. Pain could break us or make us. Lets not forfeit from the lesson the life is trying to teach us and become a better person than you were yestetday.
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