Never Enough

Greed: noun excessive or rapacious desire, especially for wealth or possessions. That's all of us. Even though we might act like we are not greedy, in some way, you are.  Most of us, it is the money that we want more. Even if you are rich, you want more and more. That's human nature, things are never enough. Like love, it's never enough. You could be with the hottest girl in the world but sometimes you might want someone else. I guess it's quantity that we are most pleased with rather than quality. 
We, as human beings, needs to learn how to control our urges and learn to settle sometimes. You might be able to kill two birds with one stone but you aren't able to catch both of the rabbits. You need to know your happiness limit. What amount of stuff will make you happy. Everyone could, always, have little more of something. But you will realize that you will find the peak of happiness when you learn to settle. There is no such thing is "Enough"; learn to settle and learn to cherish what you have because, trust me, someone would kill to be in your situation with whatever you got.


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