Special: Miss u MF

It's crazy to believe that it already been an year since you passed away. It seems like yesterday but that is the yesterday that I would not want to re-live again. Lot has changed since; let me tell you how everyone has been doing. Well, first, Goon finally got a kid; boy. He met a girl in Mexico and they had a kid together and fortunately, me and ash are the godparents. The kids in Mexico with his mother but Goon is in Cali right now trying to move them up to US. What's crazy is that, when you passed away, I tried to get hold of him but he ended up calling me few days later. He called me with joy in his voice but I was the first one to strike. He called and said "What's up?" and I went off on him telling him why he didn't call me sooner and I had to break the news to him. Funny thing is that he found out he was going to have the kid the day that you passed away. It's weird but I like there is some connection to it; god's mysterious of way of work, I guess. Alex is having another kid, it's crazy how these Mexicans are popping out kids(ha ha jk btw, MF would've laughed at it). Omar is back in town and currently working at Radioshack by J. Mikes. Phil....what can I say? He is doing good, he is still my brother and still my number one rival. I thank god that he gave me a great friend and a brother. Of course, I feel the same way about all the block crew. Ron finally(Officially) got engaged with Lesley. He put a rock on her finger. Talking about engagement, Ash got engaged to Adrian. She sent me a photo text and I sure you that I will have that in my phone for life. She is doing ok, she has been exercising and going to school but I hope everything works out for her for the better like I hope for everyone. Let see, Chris is doing OK  He's been busy and I was actually upset with him for awhile because I didn't see him too much before and after I left to Pullman. But you know, brothers love ain't gonna go any where, it's just a small argument and just a way of me expressing how much I love the dude. Sara is back in town and seems like she has been hanging with the crew more frequently so thank god to that. Me? Well, it's been a crazy and life defining year for me. I worked at that motel till May and I moved out to Pullman to attend WSU. I met some great people and made some great friends out here whom I could see myself being friend with them for long time. You know how Pauly is, when you have me as a friend, you have a life-er You would love these people if you got the chance to kick it with them and you know Paul always do things the right way(Ha Ha). Let see.....both of my sisters are married and they are doing good. And you, probably, are hanging with him right now but Hayden Powell passed away, recently. I realized that ever since 2009, I started to lose my friends. Not in a sense of friendship but passing away and it got me really sad. But I know you guys are now looking down on us and watching over us. I know you want us to do great and be the best and be happy and I am working hard to achieve it. One day, I will become famous and praise all you guys for the inspiration, support, and motivation you have gave me. I love you and Miss you. I still have a problem accepting the fact that I won't ever see you, AL, and HP in my life time on this earth. But I know you guys have became my guardian angels and you guys will protect over the people who loved/ loves you. So keep looking out for us and thank you for all the memories you have created and shared with us. I love you and I will see you when the big man calls me.

Paul J. Park

                                                    (Seriously, this is one of my favorite Pic.)


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