Not a celibate but ideal of intercourse should be sacret

I'm not a celibate, if anything I try to practice sexual encounter much as I can. But what is intercourse without love? Is it just some exercise? Just another notch on the belt? If there is no sense of connection between two parties who is encountering in sexual act, is that something brag about? If that's the case, why can we just hire some hookers and get our "Fix"? It's not that I won't be able to "Get laid" but if the opposite doesn't get my genuine physical attraction, honestly, I don't think I will enjoy it. It will be almost like a rape rather than idea of intimacy. It's not a celibacy when you aren't just attracted to other person enough to have sex with them. And being a picky guy that I am, it's almost seems celibate when I refuse to have intercourse with someone that I am not genuinely attracted to. But the thing is, I am not looking for some super model to bang(of course, I would love that) but I look beyond the look of person. Being a man, I swear you, I want to have sex with all females in the world whom are not related to me, in blood. But really, how low is your standard or how desperate are you that you need to have sex with numerous partners, consistently? Is your answer, "Well, that's what man do." then I will look at you as an uneducated person who just follow what people tells you. I live my life to leave valuable wisdom and lesson for future generation, so they have something new in the life. Rather than "Let's focus on getting laid tonight" me, it seems patty, small, unsanitary, and barbaric. Lust shouldn't be something we put importance to. If you need it, you will find it, but needing it all the time is just like being addicted. Yes, sex can be addicting; I mean, orgasm or "Cumming" is seriously the best feeling you can get. But what is the idea in that. I don't treat my body like a temple, but it surely has value like one. That is my point of view; Let's not compress our sexual urges, but let's be selective on who encounter with. Or you are just a slut.


  1. I'm a woman and I totally agree with your point of view.

    1. Thank you. I hate seeing what the world has came to. It's weird when some off my friends act like Sex is some kind of competition when it really shouldn't be. Thank you for reading my blog, it really means alot to me.

  2. Amen. Paul, you are incredibly gifted with what you write and how you express your ideas and I find inspiration with everything I have read thus far.


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