
Showing posts from September, 2012

Do not think that Judgement Day won't come

If they go up, they must come down; similar to the logic of all living thing will die. Even though we look at our planet "Earth" as possible non-living thing, it's energy source is limited and it's date of doom will come. We can never say for sure when or how the world will end. 2012 surely make some ruckus as media took the idea of ancient Mayans and came up with one of the best marketing strategy; to make public fear. During the time, few priests and religious groups advised the followers to prepare and repent for the sins they have committed. But obviously that was a big hoax. But don't you lose the grip of intensity, because the judgement day will come. When I speak of "Judgement day", I am not mentioning it biblical, but more of astrologically. Every star has it's due time. Every star is born and dies the way it's been happening for many million, billion, trillion years. Earth is no exception. Every object with energy source will soon or lat...

Not a celibate but ideal of intercourse should be sacret

I'm not a celibate, if anything I try to practice sexual encounter much as I can. But what is intercourse without love? Is it just some exercise? Just another notch on the belt? If there is no sense of connection between two parties who is encountering in sexual act, is that something brag about? If that's the case, why can we just hire some hookers and get our "Fix"? It's not that I won't be able to "Get laid" but if the opposite doesn't get my genuine physical attraction, honestly, I don't think I will enjoy it. It will be almost like a rape rather than idea of intimacy. It's not a celibacy when you aren't just attracted to other person enough to have sex with them. And being a picky guy that I am, it's almost seems celibate when I refuse to have intercourse with someone that I am not genuinely attracted to. But the thing is, I am not looking for some super model to bang(of course, I would love that) but I look beyond the look o...

Most important word in english: WHY?

I do not know how you guys feel or your opinion is on certain word, but to me, "WHY" have to be the most important word in English. "Why" isn't just a word to ask for an explanation, it is a word that describe our freedom and exercising  it.  We tent to just go with things we are directed to; from papers to television, internet, podcast. But which one do we believe or listen to? It all sounds like they are right? Well, if you are unsure about something, exercise your 1st amendment and ask the question of "Why". Politicians, bankers, media, even parents tell us shit that make us ask "WHY", well "Why" don't you ask them. It's our right to ask and it's their duty to answer. If not, then we are just some mindless sheep that these fat cats are controlling. So learn to ask why. Why is the most word in English.