Do not think that Judgement Day won't come

If they go up, they must come down; similar to the logic of all living thing will die. Even though we look at our planet "Earth" as possible non-living thing, it's energy source is limited and it's date of doom will come. We can never say for sure when or how the world will end. 2012 surely make some ruckus as media took the idea of ancient Mayans and came up with one of the best marketing strategy; to make public fear. During the time, few priests and religious groups advised the followers to prepare and repent for the sins they have committed. But obviously that was a big hoax. But don't you lose the grip of intensity, because the judgement day will come. When I speak of "Judgement day", I am not mentioning it biblical, but more of astrologically. Every star has it's due time. Every star is born and dies the way it's been happening for many million, billion, trillion years. Earth is no exception. Every object with energy source will soon or lat...