Korean influencing Jay-Z's Music?

Maybe it's because my origin is Korea; Or maybe I am obsessed with Jay-Z's music, or have spotted some obvious signs and fitting in the time line like Facebook that can prove my hypothesis.I state that, Korean rapper, Drunken Tiger(Tiger JK) have influence in Jay-Z's music. WHOA.WHOA. Whoa...hold on there, sparky. That's some crazy accusation, you are making. Well, why don't I explain?

Jay-Z: Entrepreneur, Rapper, Celebrity, Businessman, Icon, and many more glorified stature can be use to describe Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter. From Marcy Project to White House connects, Jay-Z have made some great moves to became this "Living Legend" character who life seems larger than normal....By A Lot. But question we ask should be "How did he get that far?". It all started from his music career, I would like to more so than his dealing past. His famous for the "man, who writes history without a pen" or if you do not get the meaning of that, he freestyles but thinks of it in his head with repetition of the lines to memorize it. But even with that "Freak" skill, it's meanings of the songs are known to be. Single lines to even the whole song, Jay-Z is one of the Best Word Smith on this planet. Rap should not be treated as just some rowdy ass dudes repeating things over and over and over and over; no, that is where hip hop dies. Thanks to many of the veterans who still grabs a mic after decades of dedication, teaching young school what the rap, or in this case, Hip Hop is all about. So you have rappers like J. Cole, Drake, Lupe, B.o.B, and etc. who are picking up the baton to lead the legacy. But, Jay-Z is still one of the best to paint word pictures like it belongs in MoMa. He quoted that "Rapper shouldn't rap, if they don't have nothing to rap about"; Jay-Z reference all wide range of subjects from Marcy project hustle to Biblical topics and U.S history, even sneaking the ideal of Mason involvement.

What I have noticed is starting from the BP3. Thing that I noticed significantly was that all of this music video came out with Black & White theme. Now, entering of Tiger.

As a Korean immigrant, I grew up on Korean Music and culture. Drunken Tiger was one of the known Hip Hop group in Korea and probably one of few who were performing in major TV shows. If you want to know about Korean music, then you have to know the Korean culture and what it thrives from. (BTW, I'm talking about SOUTH KOREA, People. Please, no ignorance). We eat rice, KIMCHI is must, love soccer, no guns, lot of mafias, cigarette smokers, Soju drinkers, tech savvy, drama watching people with family values. However, Korean music mostly are based on love; but rappers tent to talk freely about lot of other issues. Drunken Tiger (DT), have rapped about One shot of drink, going to convenience store, passing of his grandmother, birth of his new child, and so many more life situations that made his music closer to our daily cycle.

I have noticed, that last two of Drunken Tigers albums had similar theme with Jay-Z's Music videos and way it was presented.....of Course, Jay-Z in a bigger scale.

It was about year 2000 when I saw an interview of Drunken Tiger saying they had an opportunity to meet Jay-Z when Jay-Z was in Korea. Do you know the influence Drunken Tiger has over Korea is almost similar to Jay-Z in America, but not financial, entrepreneurial way, but more of Musical way. They rap about more valuable stuff like life experience, new birth, death, lesson of life teachings, good days, bad days; everything that we as human being will experience and feel at least once or twice in life. Ok, sorry for the Drag. Now, why did I say Jay-Z have been influenced by Drunken Tiger/ Tiger JK, is because the Black and White theme of music videos and song Glory(which is a beautiful song).

In 2005, Drunken tiger released the album "1945Hae-Bang(Liberation)". Single for that album was "Isolated Ones, Left Foot Forward"which was filmed with Black & White theme and use that same theme for 2 more of his albums till 2007. 2008, Nasir "Nas" Jones(Queens Bridge rapper/ Jay-Z's old time musical friend) came out with an album which was suppose to be called "N*****" where it ended up being called "Untitled". From that album, single was "Be a N*****, too", which had Black and White theme. 2009, Jay-Z dropped "Blue Print 3" which had videos "Empire State of Mind, On to the Next One, Forever Young" all filmed with Black and White theme.

Now, it will be so amateur of me to make such accusation if I only had one evidence. I have a second one that is easy to describe. Lyrics and songs. In Jay-Z's song "Glory", he says "Most precious thing in the world" with same melody as Drunken Tiger said on his song  "8:45 Heaven". Also, the idea of using the baby sound for the song "Glory" is just like Drunken Tiger did on "Congratulation".

Now, I don't know if Jay-Z was really influenced by Drunken Tiger but Im not here to knock any of the rappers. If you know me, you know that I listen to Jay-Z day in/ out. I just think it will be awesome, if a man in his stature would be influenced by Korean Music. And if he really did, it makes me proud to be Korean.....wait, what am I talking about? IM KOREAN AND PROUD :).

Thank you



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