Domestic Violence: It's not Physical, It's Mental

We hear it, we sometimes joke about it; but when it happens to the close ones, we want to retaliate and give that person their own medicine. Domestic Violence; it is no joke, it happens just around the corner to people you may know. It might be your neighbor screaming for their mercy and hope to god it stops before it kills him/ her. But when it happens, it is not a beautiful sight. I seen it happen to many people, see them coming into my business with bruised eyes, broken noise, open lips, physical scar they are ashamed to show the world because those wounds screams out the pain and the reason why place she/ he calls home not a safe place. But domestic violence is not just physical scars that is left, it's also a mental scar. Knowing that feeling of pain chilling your bone and if you think that pain will be forgotten or getting use to; every new bruises sets new standards. Domestic Violence takes piece of mind that alarming the person, this can happen when the other is not in a good mood. This is possibility that this guy/ girl will punch you in the face, choke you out, slap you; it is a possibility that hunts these victims dream where reality is hell and fantasy is only to get away. But what is worse is that these people are in no position to get away, mostly is because financial reason that is wrapped around the children. Of course physical scars are painful but the thing is, those physical scars will heal where mental will hunt for life. And when those people are scar for life, they do see a clear line between life and death. Why should anyone see that line unless they face this reality in such places like military or hospital? It sure shouldn't be in someone calls it a home. Stop Domestic Violence, pick up the phone, call for help. You are not a coward, you are courageous person who is now going to take control of your own life. Call now for help. If you know someone who is in this situation, help them. We can change the world.



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