Facebook/ Social Network Rituals
If you asked in 2005, the concept of "Social Networking" would have never settled with me like breakfast burrito from McDonald's. Too many questions, too many variables...But now we are on Facebook like reading a daily news paper over and over. Seeing, who is saying what and what is said by who. Also, leaving trace of your past, present, and future like we are documenting every move that we have made. This cyber-ly generated, self centered world has it's pros and cons like everything else but this blog is not about that; it's about rituals Social Net-workers have developed over few years. Nothing serious, just some giggles and laughs. So let's start, shall we?
1) Search by any means necessary: When we first sign up for social networking sites, 1 thing we surely would do is search for friends who are already on it. Yeah, there is simple way where you can search by putting the name in the search box to find that person. if you have "mutual" friends between the person you are trying to add, surely makes things more simpler. But if you have most common name in the world, it's not an easy task. Then you would probably put in the E-Mail address to narrow that list of names down. that would be ritual number one.
2) Define and signify yourself: Much as Facebook users claim that Facebook is more grown than Mysapce, guess what people; WE ARE DOING THE SAME DAMN THING!!! We are still putting up pictures to identify us and putting likes and YouTube clips to make things entertaining. Rituals #2
3) Go POKE yourself: Probably most useless feature you will be able to find on Facebook. What is the meaning of it? No one really knows. I guess its more for "I wonna say hi but im too much of Chicken S#!T to say it". You could take it as some what of "Explicit" gesture; but soon or later you will either poke or get poked....sounds like im talking about prison........are we?
4) I'm friends with a Celebrity: Depends on what or who is your definition of celebrity, you will ask a person you adore and brag to your friend about that person. serious.
5) Dude, don't Tag me: That exact phrase will come out soon or later when you are on Facebook. Maybe you are just embarrassed, maybe you think that pic looks ugly, maybe you weren't suppose to be there and you were and your significant other will see it soon or later, you will say that phrase.
6) Multi-chatting : Talking to one friend could get boring....sent other friend a chat.......and another till those two reply....now cycle.....that's how politics works.
7) "Like" will hunt you: Have you pushed the "Like" button because..........well you like the object, concept, idea, person, or place? Well, as soon as you press that button, it's like you are freaking marry to it. Press the company you like and BAM!!! you have just enabled the direct marketing link that will clutter your news feed more than 5PM Downtown traffic. So do you really like their product? Well do ya, Punk?
8) OMG, you have so many friends: Well this subject can go two ways. First simple explanation could be that you are using friend count like some sort of popularity contest. But that concept, we knew from Myspace to Friendster. I wonna make this concept more interesting. Take the number of your total friend list, now times it by .1 percent. When you get the number, that is the number of people you actually talk to.
9)Why haven't you add me? : Do I need to say it anymore? Social network can break your actual relationship with other because someone will ask you "Why aren't we friends on Facebook? Are we not friends?" Welcome to the cyber world people.
Last 10) Soak it up, it's your Birthday: Not to say it badly; but some reason, when it's someones birthday, they tend to disappear from the website for whole day. Little do we know, this person could be just counting all the wishes....
That was 10 Social Networking rituals we tend to do without really thinking about it. If you know some other rituals, please add it on the comment.
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