Facebook/ Social Network Rituals
If you asked in 2005, the concept of "Social Networking" would have never settled with me like breakfast burrito from McDonald's. Too many questions, too many variables...But now we are on Facebook like reading a daily news paper over and over. Seeing, who is saying what and what is said by who. Also, leaving trace of your past, present, and future like we are documenting every move that we have made. This cyber-ly generated, self centered world has it's pros and cons like everything else but this blog is not about that; it's about rituals Social Net-workers have developed over few years. Nothing serious, just some giggles and laughs. So let's start, shall we? 1) Search by any means necessary: When we first sign up for social networking sites, 1 thing we surely would do is search for friends who are already on it. Yeah, there is simple way where you can search by putting the name in the search box to find that person. if you have "mutual" friends ...