How does Osama Bin Laden's death affect you?

May 1, 2011; President Obama held a press conference and announce that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Osama Bin Laden was known as the head of terrorist group call, Al-Qaeda, and head was held accountable for the tragic event of 9/11 where hijackers took Boeing air plane and crashed in to World Trace Center in New York City. But our war with Osama Bin Laden been going on far longer than the 9/11. when President Clinton was in the office, he announce that Bin Laden was #1 enemy of the states. He was even link to the Oklahoma City Bombing.  But now he is claimed to be dead after many years of searching and turning over rocks to find him.

Doesn't it sound weird?  It's been many year since we declared war against Al-Qaeda and we no information of Bin Laden, we suddenly found out where he was hiding and we killed him? Without any evidence of the body to ID Bin Laden, we or President Obama claims that we killed him? I mean, if i see a kid going around claims he killed Jay-Z, am I gonna just hear it and accept it or am I gonna double check and confirm that it was really him who got killed? Out of nowhere, we knew he was near Capital of Pakistan and we attacked without getting a permission from Pakistan government? I have to say, Media or Government is not releasing much information except "oh, he's dead". Im sorry but I am not going to believe this story till I see him burn to crisp with 3 gun shot wounds on his head, but it's not gonna be possible because they claimed that they buried him in the "sea". I don't know about the general audience or civilians but I am not dumb or naive to accept this so easily.

Are we protecting Osama Bin Laden? I bet 70 to 80% of American wants to kill Bin Laden, but what is the reason, and where did Osama came from? Well we want to kill him because 9/11, but do we know that it was Osama Bin Laden's doing? Did we see him on the recorded video saying "We are going to take out WTC if you don't meet our demands"? Why did we attack Iraq if Osama Bin Laden came from Afghanistan? Is America acting a hero or bully? Where did Osama Bin Laden came from and out of all those Al-Qaeda members and other terrorist group thats targeting America, why Osama Bin Laden is the chosen "Evil" character? Well simply put, we created Osama Bin Laden. Osama was known to be working with CIA in early 1980's and he was trained by CIA with AL-Qaeda. Now, you might say, "Paul you are mis informed". Why don't you do a little research before you judge my intelligence. Osama was project for CIA and influence Mid-East base of America but we ended up betraying Osama and Osama now became this "evil" character we out to made him about.  Now, we were in some witch hunt after the the 9/11 and now we claim we killed him. I feel like I'm gonna run into him in New York.

So back to the main question, how does Osama Bin Laden's death affect you, nothing really to me. I don't have stocks, I didn't serve in military, I didn't hate muslims, and I didn't lose anyone in 9/11. But if it lowers the gas price and let our economy stand strong again, I'll be happy.


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